Ok, so the Watchtower disassociated from the United Nations in 2001, so move on, this is old news. I've heard this "anthem" more than a few times from Jehovah's Witnesses. If this were to be the case, then yes, perhaps, we're just beating a dead horse here. However, there's much more yet to be revealed, concerning the Watchtower's involvement with the UN and other political bodies. Did the WBTS leave the political arena alone after 2001? No, they did not. The Govering Body now generally (not always) lists their press officers and other Bethelites as the NGO's instead of the official "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society". Some have said that this is done to make it appear as if the Governing Body, and the Society as a whole is not involved but rather a few isolated individuals, to relieve some "shock value". We can only speculate here.
In 2003, the Watchtower was found associating with another branch of the United Nations, the UNDP/IAPSO. Here's their website. It seems as if the WBTS was/is eager to buy and sell with the "beast". Below...
(page 30)

Yes, the Watchtower has been "hobnobbing" at these political conferences as well. Once you've clicked on the links below to view the various documents, in the search bar type in "Jehovah's Witnesses", and you'll see quite a list of Bethel branches that have been going to these conferences. The screen shot below is just a sample of the Bethel branches involved.
(2006 OSCE Conference)
(2007 OSCE Conference)
(2008 OSCE Conference)
(2009 OSCE Conference)
In 2009, the Watchtower was associating with yet another branch of the United Nations, the OHCHR. Here's their website. Here's a document showing the Watchtower's involvement with this branch. I guess the beat goes on.
In reality, the WBTS is so universally involved in politics, I don't have the time, energy, or space to mention all of it. If you would like to see more of their political dealings and locations, watch this video.
It's amazing how the Society endlessly references the past when it comes to the 'sins' of other religions, and when it comes to boasting about their supposed achievements in the 1914 period (which are lies, in actual fact) yet suddenly JW's claim it's "old news" and "beating a dead horse" to talk about the Society's compromises in the 90's? Hypocrisy.
ReplyDeleteThis issue is still 'live' because they have yet to tell the truth about it, they are still deceiving their members, and yes, they also appear to still are making compromises with the political systems of the 'Beast'.