In all actuality, I would prefer not to even address this chapter as it's a redundant circular theme to so many other chapters. The more "3W" tells us that the WBTS didn't have to support the UN in their association, the more he hopes you'll believe it. But now he's taken his tactics to another level. It's been asserted that the chief of the DPI's NGO section Paul Hoeffel, he's the conspiracy theorist now, since he has so much to gain from lying about the situation. Ok maybe not. "3W" quotes from a portion of a 2004 letter from Paul and it says in part:
"3W" had this to say about it...Of course, now the UN is suddenly being very clear about their requirements — over ten years too late. Therefore it begs the question, why did Mr Hoeffel not make it plain and state that the 1991 forms did not include such requirements? I would like to revisit "JWN" and examine another exchange between "3W" and "cabasilas".
There's just too much evidence to show what "3W" and the WBTS is saying, is false. The criteria for NGO association just did not change in 1991-2. For yet another example of this, read the 2002 UN letter below.
The last statement in this chapter we'll address is...Why does Mr Hoeffel not enclose a copy of the 1992 brochure, clearly showing that there was criteria to support the UN and it's charter in that year? Why did he not take the opportunity to confirm the point? Perhaps (guessing again?) it is because the 1992 brochure said nothing of the sort. We know the 1994 brochure does not say such a thing, and therefore have no basis for thinking it was in the 1992 brochure either, if one was even sent. Once again, Paul Hoeffel has his reasons why he did what he did. One main reason that I can see why Paul gave him the then current brochure is because nothing did change. I'm sure Paul is a busy guy and wasn't interested in hunting down an over a decade old document. On a side note, why does "3W" still contend, that in the 1994 DPI handbook, there was no criteria to support the UN or it's charter etc? For just a reminder what is says CLICK HERE
“4 March 2004
To Whom It May Concern,
Recently the NGO Section has been receiving numerous inquiries regarding the association of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York with the Department of Public Information (DPI). This organization applied for association with DPI in 1991 and was granted association in 1992. By accepting association with DPI, the organization agreed to meet criteria for association, including support and respect of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities.”
"cabasilas": Thirdwitness claims the requirements for NGOs changed over the years. This press release from 1992 shows otherwise: (showing him the 1992 UN press release HERE)
"3W": This was a year ago but Mr. Hoeffel did not respond to my questions. I received several responses telling me to contact different peoples or offices for more information. I received no new information from any of the sources, which were several, that I contacted.
"cabasilas": So, you're publically accusing him of being misleading and trying to cover up "mistakes" and you had no input from Mr Hoeffel? Just because he did not reply to you does not mean there are no answers. He may have his reasons for ignoring questions on this subject from you.Have you considered the possiblity that you may be bearing false witness against Mr Hoeffel?
There's just too much evidence to show what "3W" and the WBTS is saying, is false. The criteria for NGO association just did not change in 1991-2. For yet another example of this, read the 2002 UN letter below.

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