"3W" writes When The Guardian first published it's article about the NGO situation, the London Bethel wrote a letter to the Editor correcting the article and clarifying the situation. Critics, however, claim that Bethel's letters of explanation are a “cover-up”, and that Bethel have shown themselves to be “outright liars”. As we have already seen in a previous chapter, the story of London's Bethel doesn't line up with Portugal's Bethel. Someone is obviously lying here and I'll place my bet on London. Here's a letter response from the Guardian's Stephen Bates to the letter HERE of London Bethel's press officer Paul Gillies. Below...
Dear Mr Gillies,
I have just been shown your letter, submitted for publication two weeks after my initial article appeared in the Guardian.
I would be very grateful if you would allow me to circulate it to the thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses who have contacted me since the articles appeared because, if there was nothing secret about your association with the Scarlet-Coloured Beast, I am surprised that so many followers did not know of it, given the WTBTS's frequent condemnation of the UN in its publications.
This may account for the witnesses' feelings of betrayal and sense of hypocrisy over the whole affair. If it was not secret and was only done to obtain a library ticket, why did you not tell me when I spoke to you several days before the article appeared? Surely you would have known it or could have found out very easily — most press officers are able to do so.
And why did the WTBTS decide to disaffiliate only two days after the article appeared, when the WTBTS "learned about a situation" which was anyway not secret? Any organisation which affiliates to another surely must know that it has to ascribe to its basic principles, so to pretend that acceptance of the UN charter's aims has been suddenly sprung on you is being disengenuous at best.
As far as I can tell from your letter there are no factual inaccuracies in my reports for you have not pointed to any that you did not have the opportunity to explain to me when we spoke. I don't think the letter will be published. But then what would I know - I'm only bird seed in your demonology!
Best wishes,
Stephen Bates
Though I would like to address the library card smokescreen, I would prefer to address something more relevant. Ok, I'll address it briefly. When the WBTS says they wanted access to the extensive library of the United Nations, were the over 400 official UN depository libraries in 140 countries just not enough to conduct research on the UN and its activities? You don't have to join the DPI to use them. To see a complete list of them CLICK HERE. Below is a list of the ones in New York City.
Columbia University (DL-173EX)
Arthur W. Diamond Law Library (Attn: Acquisitions Dept.)
435 West 116th St., Box A-6
New York, NY 10027-7297
Tel: +1 212 854 1411Fax: +1 212 854 3295
E-mail: ssahl@law.columbia.edu
Internet: http://www.library.law.columbia.edu
DL-173EX (Apr 1948)
Print Plus deposit: Publications and masthead documents in English
Council on Foreign Relations (DL-203EX)
58 E. 68th St.
New York, NY 10021
Tel: +1 212 434 9592
Fax: +1 212 434 9824
E-mail: mbaute@@cfr.org
Internet: http://www.cfr.org
DL-203EX (Jun 1947)Regular deposit: Publications in English
New York Public Library (DL-175)
Science, Industry & Business Library
188 Madison Ave.
New York, NY 10016
Tel: +1 212 592 7000
Fax: +1 212 592 7233
E-mail: pbengston@nypl.org
Internet: http://www.nypl.org/research/sibl/
DL-175 (Jun 1947)
Regular deposit: Publications in English
New York University (DL-500)
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, UN Collection
70 Washington Square South, 6th floor
New York, NY 10012-1091
Tel: +1 212 998 2610Fax: +1 212 995 4442
E-mail: intl.doc@nyu.edu
Internet: http://library.nyu.edu/research/un-govt/
DL-500 (Nov 1949)
Print Plus deposit: Publications and masthead documents in English
We are told that The Watchtower Society's researcher was apparently told he could no longer access certain areas or facilities without an NGO pass. Why? Perhaps the facilities were new, and reserved only for DPI NGOs. Perhaps existing facilities were now being reserved only for the use of DPI NGO representatives. Perhaps the brother wished to access certain documents which were off-limit to the general public. Or perhaps certain exhibitions or events were taking place that were DPI NGO-invitation only. Count how many guess words are in this paragraph. Do you see a pattern here? The more we read from "3W", the more his case crumbles around him. I want us to give him a fair chance but he simply hasn't given us much to consider---a paper boat with an iron sail.
"3W" goes on to tell us that Some have uncovered records of Watchtower representatives attending a conference on the holocaust for NGOs. They quote this as “proof” that Bethel was “lying” and that there was really more to their NGO membership that merely a “library card”...The idea that the Society signed up just for a “library card” is actually a phrase invented by apostates on the Internet...There's two points I would like to address about this statement:
1. London Bethel did in fact say that their sole purpose to join the UN's DPI was to use their library facilities.
2. Bethel could have been more clear by explaining that they were interested in using this associated status with the DPI in order to attend UN meetings. They lessened the shock value by not mentioning any of this, taking advantage of the average JW's lack of knowledge to the perks of an associated NGO to the DPI.
I would like to examine one last statement by "3W", he says that The last comment by Bethel concerning the forms is:
“Registration papers filed with the United Nations that we have on file contain no statements that conflict with our Christian beliefs.”
Here's the million dollar question. Why doesn't the Watchtower show us a scanned copy of the original documents so we can compare what they signed, to the document that had "language that we cannot subscribe to"? Surely this proof would silence the critics, no?
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