Is "" telling the truth?

A Mere Conspiracy Theory?

This website is dedicated to the examination of the Watchtower's 10 year membership with the United Nation's Department of Public Information (DPI). The DPI is the United Nation's publicity department. In particular, this site serves the purpose to examine the flagship rebuttal website of this WBTS/UN association, created by an individual that goes by the name "thirdwitness". To view his website CLICK HERE

From the onset, "thirdwitness" attempts to muddy the waters by using loaded language, red herrings, and calling upon emotion well before one has been given the chance to consider the evidence. On the homepage, he has already set the reader up to consider much of this issue a conspiracy theory formulated by "crackpot" individuals and "apostates". Count how many times you see such words used on his site. Perhaps these are colors to cloud the water? Regardless of one's feelings, the WBTS reminds us that "Reasonable persons agree that the only fair method (to see the truth) is to examine the evidence on both sides, both for and against a disputed theory (1973 Awake! October 22nd pg. 6). Please keep this statement in mind before you make your final decision on the truth of the matter.

As we examine the evidence, it's important to see how the WBTS views a person joining a secular organization whose objects are contrary to the Bible. Surely the UN fits into this category. Read below...

(1983 Organized To Accomplish Our Ministry pg. 151)


NOTE: After clicking the chapter you wish to view, scroll past the above "sticky" introduction post (also chapter index below) and read just below the map. Click on images to enlarge them.

CHAPTER 1"Introduction: In the Beginning" 

"Know your NGOs!"

"Did we agree to praise the UN?"

CHAPTER 4 "Please Sign Nowhere"

CHAPTER 5 "The changing world of NGOs"

CHAPTER 6 "Following it to the Letter"

CHAPTER 7 "Hail to the Chief"

CHAPTER 8 "Principle Support"

"Did we hypocritically ‘ride the wild beast’?"

CHAPTER 10 "Awake to Propaganda?"

CHAPTER 11 "Self-condemnation?"

CHAPTER 12 "Consider the Source"

CHAPTER 13 "Conclusion: A Not-Guilty Verdict"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chapter 9


The first comment I'd like to address in this chapter is Jehovah’s Witnesses view the United Nations organization as they do other governmental bodies of the world...If an apostate or other opposer doesn’t want to regard the United Nations as a government which comes under the “superior authorities”, then that is their businesses and their business alone. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not to be judged on the basis of someone else’s mistaken beliefs. Based on the Watchtower's writings pre 1992, they have not traditionally viewed the United Nations as a government or part of the superior authorities. The UN isn't a government but is made up of governments that give the power for it to exist, big difference. Now as far as it being included in the "superior authorities" category, lets have the 1988 "Insight" book (page 1045) answer that for us. We read:

"An expression at Romans 13:1 designating human governmental authorities...Since the governmental authorities render valuable services to ensure the safety, security, and welfare of their subjects, they are entitled to taxes and tribute in compensation for their services."

As we just read, the earmark of a "superior authority" is a governmental authority that is entitled taxes. Though the UN does have an amount of power in the world, it does not require direct taxes therefore it is not Caesar.

"3W" contends that there is indeed valid proof that the UN is one of the superior authorities. All one merely has to do is take a look at various sanctions imposed by it to see what can happen when a country defies the resolutions of the UN. If UN peace-keeping forces are in your country, try defying curfew or entering off-limit areas. You will quickly find out that the UN is indeed a superior authority. Though I agree with his reasoning to an extent, that is in another situation, but this scenario doesn't apply to Bethel New York as they willingly joined the publicity department of the UN. They were not pressured nor required to join, they did so on their own accord. Perhaps "3W" wants us to forget this fact. We can safely say that the two scenarios are apples and oranges. On a side note, the WBTS has flip flopped many times of who the superior authorities actually are. It took them awhile to decide if they're Jesus and Jehovah or human governments. To see an example of this flip flop CLICK HERE (scroll to page 24).

"3W" tells us Some claim that the Watchtower publications teach that the UN is ‘the unclean thing’ and that the scripture which says, “quit touching the unclean thing” at 2 Corinthians 6:17 has been applied to the UN by the publications. This is completely false. No publication has ever taught that the UN is “the unclean thing” as discussed at 2 Corinthians 6:17. Before we get into discussing this statement, I think it would be pertinent to bring up the 1960's "Malawi Massacre" and compare it to the Watchtower's associated status with the UN. Jehovah's Witnesses as a whole use their "politically neutral" stance as one of their defining factors of being the "true religion". They have maintained this throughout many decades, and in many of their writings. In one of their magazines (1968 Watchtower February 1st p. 17-19) they printed an article where scores of JW's were beaten, raped, and killed simply because they refused to buy a 25 cent Malawi Congress Party membership card. A card that they were required to buy but they weren't required to vote. To read the whole context of this article CLICK HERE. Scores of JW's lost their life because of the fact that they were taught to stay politically neutral, and at all cost. There was another Watchtower article (1976 Watchtower October 15th pages 632-636) that came out later and referenced this incident. A snippet from the article says:

As Jehovah's Witnesses they value their relationship to God and Christ above everything else. Were they to identify themselves as giving unquestioning support to any political arrangement... Any act on their part that would indicate otherwise, therefore, would be an act of disloyalty. Such an act would be taking away from God and Christ their rightful due and would be worship to the "wild beast." No matter how insignificant the act required may seem, a Christian's engaging in such worship would mean his being disloyal to God and Christ.

To view more commentary on this publication CLICK HERE

Now back to the statement of whether the WBTS views the UN as the "unclean thing". "3W" maintains that the WBTS has never specifically called the UN the "unclean clean", which is true in the strictest sense. However, the Watchtower has lumped worldly political, financial, and governmental agencies of the world into ONE category. Which category? Well, the unclean thing. Read the 1952 Watchtower January 15th page 54 below...

Besides, note the political, financial and moral corruption in the governments of the world. Particularly in recent months have investigations in Washington revealed a state of corruption that stinks to heaven. Why should Christians want to have anything to do with such an unclean organization? Counsel the Scriptures: “Get out from among them, and separate yourselves, . . . and quit touching the unclean thing.” Surely it would be folly for Christians to try to sew the new patch of Christian principles on that old garment of corrupt democracy. Christians, therefore, who understand God’s Word shun political ambassadors.
So if the UN is a government as "3W" has asserted in this chapter, then the WBTS does indeed need to "quit touching the unclean thing", which includes the United Nations.


  1. ThirdWitness wrote: "Some claim that the Watchtower publications teach that the UN is ‘the unclean thing’ and that the scripture which says, “quit touching the unclean thing” at 2 Corinthians 6:17 has been applied to the UN by the publications. This is completely false. No publication has ever taught that the UN is “the unclean thing” as discussed at 2 Corinthians 6:17."

    That above is false. Here is the proof:

    The Watchtower, "God’s Servants Are Different", February 15th, 1951, p. 110.


    Like the servants of the Most High God before the flood so also were those thereafter—men and women altogether different from others in faith and integrity and devotion to righteousness. It must have seemed strange to the community-building Chaldeans that men like Abraham and Lot would abandon the security and prosperity afforded by their city Ur, and would go out into a wild and unknown country in obedience to God’s command. (Gen. 12:1-5) But they were “awaiting the city [the theocratic government] having real foundations and the builder and creator of which is God”. They saw these precious promises “afar off and hailed them and publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents in the land”. (Heb. 11:8-14, NW) How different was Lot from the sex-maddened, pleasure-crazed Sodomites! That righteous man “was greatly distressed by the indulgence of the law-defying people in loose conduct”.—2 Pet. 2:6-8, NW.

    In parallel, Jehovah’s servants today always strive to be clean, upright and decent people, and are disgusted with the abominable things they see about them in Christendom. They place their confidence and hope in Jehovah’s promised kingdom, for they see that the time when its rule will be extended to the earth is much nearer than it was in Abraham’s day. So, instead of going along with this pleasure-mad, sexy old world, supporting its schemes and ideas, and working for and building up its tower of Babel, the confusing United Nations structure, these people of God keep themselves separate from the world as “strangers and pilgrims” living on a temporary basis like the Rechabites. Jonadab was one of such. (Heb. 11:13; Jer. 35:5-19) They therefore give this world’s politics, commerce and organized religion no support.—Isa. 52:11; 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Jas. 4:4; Rev. 18:2-5.

  2. Further proof that the Watchtower Society has directly applied 2 Corinthians 6:17, with its command to "Quit touching the unclean thing" (or more accurately, "Touch no unclean thing"), to the United Nations in print:

    The Watchtower, "God’s Servants Are Different", February 15th, 1951, p. 110.


    Like the servants of the Most High God before the flood so also were those thereafter—men and women altogether different from others in faith and integrity and devotion to righteousness. It must have seemed strange to the community-building Chaldeans that men like Abraham and Lot would abandon the security and prosperity afforded by their city Ur, and would go out into a wild and unknown country in obedience to God’s command. (Gen. 12:1-5) But they were “awaiting the city [the theocratic government] having real foundations and the builder and creator of which is God”. They saw these precious promises “afar off and hailed them and publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents in the land”. (Heb. 11:8-14, NW) How different was Lot from the sex-maddened, pleasure-crazed Sodomites! That righteous man “was greatly distressed by the indulgence of the law-defying people in loose conduct”.—2 Pet. 2:6-8, NW.

    In parallel, Jehovah’s servants today always strive to be clean, upright and decent people, and are disgusted with the abominable things they see about them in Christendom. They place their confidence and hope in Jehovah’s promised kingdom, for they see that the time when its rule will be extended to the earth is much nearer than it was in Abraham’s day. So, instead of going along with this pleasure-mad, sexy old world, supporting its schemes and ideas, and working for and building up its tower of Babel, the confusing United Nations structure, these people of God keep themselves separate from the world as “strangers and pilgrims” living on a temporary basis like the Rechabites. Jonadab was one of such. (Heb. 11:13; Jer. 35:5-19) They therefore give this world’s politics, commerce and organized religion no support.—Isa. 52:11; 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Jas. 4:4; Rev. 18:2-5."
